What is Propecia (Finasteride)? Uses and Side effects of Propecia before buying Propecia Medication.

Propecia is a drug used to prevent the conversion of testosterone into DHT. Thus, it prevents baldness. Propecia is really a good medication for hair regrowth for male and female. Baldness is caused by three main factors of age, hormones, and genetics. For baldness to start, an individual must be genetically prone to it. However, stress has been known to lead to hair loss. In people who are genetically prone to balding, they have hair follicles that are sensitive to DHT. Thus, when their hair follicles are exposed to DHT, they fall off. Propecia stops this process by preventing the production of high levels of DHT in the body.
The drug is available in the United States and various European nations. You can order Propecia online from an online pharmacy.

How to Take Propecia Medication:

The drug should be taken according to how the doctor recommends. Do not take more than recommended dose in the hope of speeding up the results of this drug. Besides what the doctor tells you, check the instructions on the label. If there are any contradictions, research online but also contact the physician.
When taking each pill, ensure you use at least a glass of water. The medication can be taken with food or on an empty stomach. However, you must ensure to adhere to timelines strictly. Take your pill at the exact time each day. If you skip a pill, never attempt to take two the next day to compensate.
If you want to get good results, you have to take the medication on a long-term basis. At times, it can take about three months before you begin to notice any changes. The drug works if it is taken continuously and over a long period. However, there is a limit to how long you should take it. For instance, if after twelve months you do not see any change that means you need to stop treatment. There is also the fact that if you stop, the benefits you gain will disappear. It takes about a year for the baldness to set after you stop taking the drugs.
The other main factor to consider when taking the drugs is regular tests. Go for blood work from your doctor every two or three months after you begin taking the drug. The doctor will also check your PSA to ensure you do not have prostate cancer, which interacts negatively with this drug. Additionally, ensure that the drug is stored correctly; improper storage could affect how the drug works. Besides that, you must ensure to check the expiry date.

Buying Propecia Online

The prices in online stores are much cheaper to those in physical pharmacies or hospitals. The main benefit of purchasing Propecia online is the convenience of it all. For one, if you have a busy schedule, you can just have it delivered to your home. Going to a drug store may at times require you to stand in long, time-consuming lines.
Additionally, there may be no brick and mortar store close to your home. It would thus require you to spend money on fuel to get the pills. The inconvenience is just not worth the effort. There is also the issue of payment. In a drug store, the process can be quite complex. Payment at online stores only takes one click to complete.
Another benefit of buying the drugs online is the privacy you get. There is no chance of people finding out what you recently purchased or why you always shave your head. Online stores also come with some great promos at times. On the other hand, brick and mortar stores do not offer promos to their clients. Since you will need to use Propecia for months, getting a deal online will help you to save quite a lot of money. Thus, you will have long and silky hair while saving money.


The main thing to note about this drug is that it works only in men. Children and women should never take this drug. The side effects of using it on women and children outweigh any possible benefits. Even handling of the drug by women and children is not permitted. It could easily get absorbed via the skin. Propecia contains the ingredient Finasteride. The chemical is effective in the treatment of prostate enlargement by reducing the production of BPH. Thus, the Propecia should be used for the treatment of these two conditions.

Precautions of Propecia:

Propecia interacts with the body by altering how hormones behave. Thus, people who are undergoing hormone therapy should avoid it. There is also need to a pay a visit to a doctor before using the drug. It is especially so if you have had side effects in the past with drugs used to treat urinary problems, bladder muscles, liver abnormalities, or if you have prostate cancer.
If the pill is exposed to your skin as a woman or child, make sure to wash it off immediately. Use soap and a lot of water until you are sure it has all been washed off. Before you make a purchase online, conduct extensive research especially if you are using any other types of drugs. If you feel unsure, ensure that you have all the facts with you. At times, it can lead to mood swings if it interacts with other drugs within the body.
For first time buyers, it is important to get a prescription from your doctor. If there are any side effects, you are on the good side with the insurance company. Talk to your doctor and get him or her to write the prescription. Ideally, your first purchase should be done at your local drug store. Take the pills and see how it affects you. Later on, you can purchase drugs from an online store for convenience. You can simply first order a few pills and see how it goes. If everything works out well, you can increase your purchase.

Side Effects of Propecia:

The drug is quite effective; however, there have been a number of notable side effects of Propecia  that can be mitigated. One of the common side effects of these drugs is dizziness. Thus, it would be recommended to take this drug just before bed. The effects will disappear by morning. If you plan to operate heavy equipment or drive, wait until you get to your destination. It is especially important not to take the drugs with alcohol. The dizziness could be amplified several times over. Exercise, hot weather or fever may also amplify the dizziness.
Another effect that has been reported is low sexual desire or inability to rise to the occasion. Additionally, problems with proper ejaculation have been reported. If you begin to notice any of these problems, you can stop taking the drugs; the effects should stop. However, if the effects persist after you stop taking the drugs, you should consider talking to your doctor. Another effect has been the loss of fertility in men.
At times, there have been claims that it leads to congenital disabilities. For instance, a child may be born with abnormal genitalia, especially males. The pills usually come coated to ensure that women do not interact with them. However, this coating could break or be damaged. It is the reason why women should not touch these drugs.
Other physical symptoms that have reported are tenderness in breasts. The tenderness can make the breasts sensitive to any touch. Another effect that a few men have seen is swelling of the hands and feet. This effect is especially rare, and it goes away after a few days. At times, you may also experience a skin rash and a runny nose. The skin rash should go away after a few days. If any of these physical symptoms linger around for too long, cease taking the medication.
Additionally, Propecia has been known to cause mood swing in men. However, this is an effect mostly seen in men undergoing hormone therapy. Thus, it mostly results from the use of this drug and a combination of other drugs.
Despite all these side effects, many men have reported positive effects while using Propecia. You can join online platforms that discuss Propecia. There, you will discover what is okay and what is not normal. More than 90% of the time, men do not experience any negative effects. Additionally, almost all of those who experience side effects get treatment within a month or two. The effects of the drugs are temporary almost all the time. The problem in most cases usually stems from taking improper dosages. As soon as you switch the dose, the effects should disappear. Thus, you do not have to sacrifice any aspects of your life just because you want to stop balding.
